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addEnchantment(Enchantment) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.item.ItemBuilder
In favor of BaseItemBuilder.enchant(Enchantment), nothing changed just the name, will be removed in 3.0.1
addEnchantment(Enchantment, int) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.item.ItemBuilder
In favor of BaseItemBuilder.enchant(Enchantment, int), nothing changed just the name, will be removed in 3.0.1
addEnchantment(Enchantment, int, boolean) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.item.ItemBuilder
In favor of BaseItemBuilder.enchant(Enchantment, int, boolean), nothing changed just the name, will be removed in 3.0.1
addItem(GuiItem) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.guis.PaginatedGui
Adds an GuiItem to the next available slot in the page area
addItem(GuiItem...) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.guis.BaseGui
Adds GuiItems to the GUI without specific slot.
addItem(GuiItem...) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.guis.PaginatedGui
Overridden BaseGui.addItem(GuiItem...) to add the items to the page instead
addItem(List<ItemStack>) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.guis.StorageGui
Adds ItemStack to the inventory straight, not the GUI
addItem(ItemStack...) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.guis.StorageGui
Adds ItemStack to the inventory straight, not the GUI
addItemFlags(ItemFlag...) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.item.ItemBuilder
In favor of BaseItemBuilder.flags(ItemFlag...), nothing changed just the name, will be removed in 3.0.1
addLore(String...) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.item.ItemBuilder
In favor of BaseItemBuilder.lore(Consumer), will be removed in 3.0.1
addLore(List<String>) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.item.ItemBuilder
In favor of BaseItemBuilder.lore(Consumer), will be removed in 3.0.1
addSlotAction(int, int, GuiAction<InventoryClickEvent>) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.guis.BaseGui
Alternative method for BaseGui.addSlotAction(int, GuiAction) to add a GuiAction to a specific slot using ROWS and COLUMNS instead of slots.
addSlotAction(int, GuiAction<InventoryClickEvent>) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.guis.BaseGui
Adds a GuiAction for when clicking on a specific slot.
amount(int) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.item.BaseItemBuilder
Sets the amount of items
apply(Consumer<G>) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.gui.BaseGuiBuilder
Applies anything to the GUI once it's created Can be pretty useful for setting up small things like default actions
asBukkitCopy(Object) - Static method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.components.nbt.LegacyNbt
Mimics the CraftItemStack#asBukkitCopy method.
asGuiItem() - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.item.BaseItemBuilder
Creates a GuiItem instead of an ItemStack
asGuiItem(GuiAction<InventoryClickEvent>) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.item.BaseItemBuilder
Creates a GuiItem instead of an ItemStack
asNMSCopy(ItemStack) - Static method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.components.nbt.LegacyNbt
Mimics the CraftItemStack#asNMSCopy method.
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