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removeEnchantment(Enchantment) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.item.ItemBuilder
In favor of BaseItemBuilder.disenchant(Enchantment), nothing changed just the name, will be removed in 3.0.1
removeItem(int) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.guis.BaseGui
Removes the GuiItem in the specific slot.
removeItem(int, int) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.guis.BaseGui
Alternative BaseGui.removeItem(int) with cols and rows.
removeNbt(String) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.item.BaseItemBuilder
Removes NBT tag from the ItemStack
removeTag(ItemStack, String) - Static method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.components.util.ItemNbt
Removes a tag from an ItemStack.
removeTag(ItemStack, String) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.components.nbt.LegacyNbt
Removes a tag from an ItemStack.
removeTag(ItemStack, String) - Method in interface dev.triumphteam.gui.components.nbt.NbtWrapper
Removes a tag from an ItemStack.
removeTag(ItemStack, String) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.components.nbt.Pdc
Removes a tag from an ItemStack.
rows(int) - Method in class dev.triumphteam.gui.builder.gui.BaseGuiBuilder
Sets the rows for the GUI This will only work on CHEST GuiType
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